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(D) Comment frequently from the beginning of the conversation to the end.
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On page 145 Baba says "The man is a Pashtun to the root". What does this mean? Is it a kind of insult towards Amir or is he just telling him something?
ReplyDeleteI looked up the definition of Pashtun and dictionary.com said that it is any talking man of Pakistan and or Afghanistan. So it's not an insult but a description.
DeleteI think that when Baba and Amir move to America they grow closer because we notice a new connection between them. Futher example of this can be found on page 136 when Amir says, "I embraced America."
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you, because they do become closer since they are all they have. They don't have Hassan or Baba's friend. They become closer also with Baba giving him a car and maybe Baba isn't taking the treatment so him and his son, Amir, do get closer because he doesn't have much time left.
DeleteAmir has Baba's attention and support. Should Amir try and make things right now with Hassan or should he just keep paying attention to Baba?
ReplyDeleteHe should make things right with Hassan because Hassan is like his best friend. Cant just ditch your best friend. I think later we will see the two reconcile.
DeleteNow that Amir and Baba live their lives in a completly new environment Hassan and Amir could never see each other again.
DeleteResponding to carter, I think that Amir is becoming more of a man and he is starting to realize what he can achieve. I think this is part of the path his heroic journey.
ReplyDeleteThe relationship between Baba and Amir has changed because they spent more time with each other and they only have each other.
ReplyDeleteI agree they have found things that they both like and Baba is encouraging Amir to write.
Delete"baba sold his Buick and bought a dilapidated 71 Volkswagen bus for 550 from an old afghan acquaintance who'd been a high school science teacher in kabul" I thought baba was pore in america because he worked at a gas station in america. how did he get the money to buy the bus? why is it that he bought the bus why did he not keep the buick
ReplyDeleteIt says on page 144 "It was only 12:30 but we'd already made $160." If the bus was $550 the it would only take a few days to save up that little money.
DeleteI think its interesting what Baba said about the men of the world. "there are only three real men in this world, Amir. America the brash savior, Britain, and Israel. The rest of them, they're like gossiping old woman." I wonder how Baba developed this thinking. if he thinks of this metaphorically as in these three country's are the only ones who matter. Or if he infact meant it at a literal standpoint implying in away that the people in the country's are literally superior to others of the world.
ReplyDeletePg. 143 "As was the tradition, Hassan and I used to stay up late, our feet tucked under the lewi, who;e Ali tossed apple skin into the stove told us ancient tales of sulters and thieves to pas the longest nighst." Obviously Amir thinks of Hassan, they were brothers to each other. Do you think Amir regrets everything he's done, from not breaking up the beating and stopping the rape and forcing Hassan to leave by framing him. I think he has, the more far away he gets from Hassan the more he thinks about him and knowing that Hassan is in Afaganstan and he's in America he can't change or make up for what he did.
ReplyDeleteJack, I agree with your statement but I think that he is starting to realize his faults and that is the first step to change, obviously he will still remember the event but he is trying to redeem himself. When he is talking to Soraya when they are going to get married, (page 162) she tells him her secret but he doesn't tell her about what happened in Afghanistan. I think that he needs to tell someone in order to truly change and become a hero.
DeleteWhy does Baba return the food stamps? does he not want to be seen as a poor man?
ReplyDeleteI think that he is too proud to accept help from the government. He's always been rich and powerful and had people look up to him. Now he is just one of the people he used to hire to work for him. I don't think its because he doesn't want to been seen as poor but he is just to proud to get the help he needs.
DeleteI think that he returns the food stamp because he finds it hard to transition from being an upper class man in Afghanistan to a poor man in America. I think that is hard for him to admit that he is poor. i also think he is doing this to show that he doesn't doesn't help and he can do it on his own.
DeleteAfter the rape scene has happened, I feel that the novel continues to reflect upon the horrid event. The foreshadowing of this event really effects how the rest of this book shall play out. It defines the relationship between the main characters and overall, their feelings for each other. It definitely changes the permanent mood of Hassan and Amir.
ReplyDeleteOf coarse it would change the mood. If you saw your best friend get raped, your friendship would never be the same again. The only problem is that Hassan knew he didn't stop it. So, I think the feeling is mutual that they can't be friends.
DeleteI'm glad that Amir and Baba have moved to America. Maybe this transition will teach Amir to thankful for what he has and maybe even realize that he has made some huge mistakes in his past.
ReplyDeleteNow that Baba has become ill, Amir has taking care of him more often. Do you think that Babas cancer has brought them closer together, or do you think that moving to America has brought them closer?
ReplyDeleteI would think the combination of both is what made them come together. The two coming together is a big thing. It would take significant events to make the significant change of the two coming together.
DeleteOn pg 164 Soraya says, ".....I don't want us to start with secrets...", do you guys think that Amir will tell Soaraya about what happened in the alley?
ReplyDeleteEventually Amir will have to otherwise I think he will go insane. He has found someone who he can trust and so I think that later in the story he will tell her.
Deletei think that it it is interesting how in the book this quote comes up " id get up early some Saturday mornings and drive south on high way 17 push the ford up the winding road through the mountains to Santa cruz" i think that his is away of showing he want to be away from afghan and want's to leave be cause he was happier there even though he only worked at a gas station he was happier
ReplyDeleteResponding to Tony I think deep down inside he still feels guilty and he always will and it will always effect him but he may seem happy because on page 136 Amir says, "I was still marveling at the size of this country, its vastness." I think he is happy because he can let his past go and get a fresh start in America but no matter what it will always effect him and it will come back to him.
ReplyDeleteI think that Baba has developed being home sick and miss Afgainistan, Baba is unable to eat, on page 129 "We ate in silence that night. After two bites, Baba pushed away his plate." He is uncomfortable and wishes to return back.
ReplyDeleteI think that Baba is depressed because he knows the end it coming. For him death is near and he hates to leave his son in this world all alone. So, right now I don't think food is on his mind.
DeleteI agree I think deep down Afghanistan is home no matter what because on page 129 Amir says, "You were happier there, Baba. It was more like home,"
DeleteI agree with the discussion going on in the inner circle I do not think that Baba is trying very hard because he knows he is going to die from cancer. It also says this on page 154 ""Cancer?" Baba added casually. "Possible. Its suspicious, anyway," the doctor muttered."
ReplyDeleteI feel that Soraya Taheri represents what Amir can't change in life. Amir is forbidden to be with this girl and although he has an opportunity to be with her he is forbidden to be with her . I think this symbolizes how Amir wishes he could have stopped the rape, but he didn't.
ReplyDelete@BryanN2016 I think that Baba having cancer will bring them even closer together because cancer is very deadly so Amir will spend more time with his father while he is still alive.
ReplyDeleteHow is the cultural change affecting Amir? Is his guilt being masked by the new cultural landscape? I think that Amir still has guilt for what he did and I think he will hold on to this guilt for the rest of his life. Although he is in America now, I think Amir will still feel responsible for what happened in 1975.
ReplyDeleteI think that Amir has adjusted to America quite well, and he likes it there. I think that the new changes for him hid his guilt but it is still their.
DeleteI think that when Baba tries to go to the store he usually goes to and the man asks to see his ID Baba flips out and pushes a magazine rack over is kind of a symbol showing he really wants to go back. He says" almost 2 years we have bought his damn fruits and put money in his pocket and the son of a dog wants to see my licence!"
ReplyDeleteI think that Baba wants to go back to Afghanistan but he can't because it is still occupied by the Russians. He also wants to provide Amir with education and I think that also brings him joy. On page 132, Baba and Amir go into a bar and he becomes the center of attention. Baba has a mesmerizing charisma which allows him to still enjoy himself even if he isn't in the best place.
DeleteOn page 165, after Soraya tells Amir her secret and he reflects on it, he says "How could I, of all people chastise someone for their past?" How can this prove that he is starting to change and become heroic.
ReplyDeleteOn page 105 after Hassan has admitted to the act of stealing the book states "I was glad, glad that this was all going to blow over." This quotes directly reflects onto chapter 11 and 12 simply because it is the beginnings of the departure of Hassan. It show the sadness and despair that all of the characters are beginning to feel. This also shows that Amir was wrong in saying this. The road that led up to chapters 11 and 12 started at this exact quote.
ReplyDeleteOn page 132 it says "Baba finished his beer in three gulps and ordered another". It is obvious that while Baba and Amir have lived in America they have had a pretty depressing life. Do think Baba has become an alcoholic since he moved to America?
ReplyDelete"Baba loved the idea of America." page 125. I wonder why Baba loved America so much. He was at the top in Afghanistan, he was wealthy and well known. Now going to America he is working at a gas station, living in an apartment. I would say that he was a bad move even though it says there are Russian soldiers and tanks outside of his window. If he was that wealthy, couldn't he buy his way out of being killed instead of going to America?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Danny when he commented, "Amir and Hassan are going to return to Afghanistan and beat the pulp out of Assef because, they ruined their life." Amir and Hassan want to get revenge but they will be grown up so much that they should just let go of the past.
ReplyDeleteI think Baba will die in the near future because we are not even halfway done with the book and with Baba with cancer i think he will be the one to die.
ReplyDeleteIs Amirs journey one of a hero or a coward?
ReplyDeleteI think that things in these chapters are starting to look up for the characters because some bad events are starting to go behind them.
ReplyDeletePeshawar was good for me. Not good for you."
ReplyDelete*Baba was loyal to Amir in wanting the best for him and bringing him to America, although he didn't want to. what exactly does this mean
I think that the book is just getting started and we are going to see some conflict with some of these characters
ReplyDeleteevery since the rape incident happened every thing is starting to go down hill for almost all the characters and i think we are almost at the climax of the book
ReplyDeletesince babba got cancer i think its a sign saying that all the friends need to forget what happened and move on so they can be best friends again
ReplyDeletedo you think the cultural change is affecting amir?
ReplyDeleteon page 164 do you think that amir will tell Soraya what happened in the allie? "I want to tell you something... i don't want us to start with secrets..."